Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wandering Day of Cafés

Today Ally and I went walking for an hour at 7:30 this morning exploring the city and the enormous park above our hostel near the castle. There were very few people out and the light was great and thanks to the weather gods, we had blue skies all day! As a group, we went to the National Art Gallery where we looked around for 2 and a half hours. A friend of a friend of Dinah's is an art historian in Prague and she toured us around and told us all about the artists and works we were seeing. A lot of what we saw was abstract but there were also a few Picassos, Renoirs, and Matisses. It was an amazing collection of Czech art and it has made me appreciate abstract art so much.
After that, I went off on my own for the day. I heard about a reading in Café Louvre from our professor so I jumped on the metro and after walking for an hour found the place. It was very modern but cozy and I got to hear the opening reading for the Prague Writers' Festival. Instead of listening I sketched the audience most of the time though and enjoyed an espresso with lots and lots of milk.
After that I went to our art studio that we are renting out and worked on a piece for an hour and a half before heading back to the hostel. Here I am working hard as you can see. It get's pretty messy with charcoal, ink, gesso, and pastels.
I met up with Ally there and we decided to wander around the city looking for dinner. We found a great little place and had salad and soup with a bread bowl. We went from there to a rowdy pub which we walked in and right out of. We'll go back when we have more people or more time. Here we are at dinner, which we got to eat on a patio outside.
Instead we kept walking and found Choco Café which was a specialized chocolate and dessert café that was delicious. See the pictures of my dessert below and get jealous! Now we are going out to go dancing at a five story club with themed floors. It will be great to go out with the girls especially considering how bent over my journal drawing and writing I have been lately.


  1. What a delicious desert place you found. How was the dancing?

  2. I like the part where you walked in and walked right out! Good! Hope the dancing was fun. Inhale every moment you're over there. It's such a gift.

    Love you

  3. Yum! The deserts look delicious -- I'm so jealous! What a great idea to rent an art studio while you're there; I bet it's a fun place to hang out and work in.
