Monday, April 25, 2011

Kutna Hora and Easter

Happy Easter everyone! In the Czech Republic, Easter is celebrated on the Monday of the holiday more so than the Sunday when the church services are held. We woke up to a crowd of hundreds at the cathedral outside of our bedroom window and saw the priest blessing everyone with holy water. I'm getting ahead of myself!
On Saturday we left on the train for an hour ride to Kutna Hora, a cute little town in the countryside. There was an enormous fair going on and some of us nearly had mental breakdowns due to the mental overload but once we got through the crowds we were able to visit the Bone Church and St. Barbara's Cathedral. The Bone Church was amazing: years ago, the church had to deal with the fact that they had 40,000 bodies that were too much for the cemetaries so they decided to create decorations and structures out of the bones in the church. It was a cool experience to sit in the cold cement dungeon like church and see the beautiful way they arranged the bones and how creative they must have been.
After that church, we walked for an hour about to the opposite side of the city where we got a delicious meal and were refreshed to continue on to find St. Barbara's Cathedral. After another hour or so of walking in circles we found it and it was so worth it. What a beautiful church, completely unlike anything else I had ever seen.
A gelato and coffee later, we were back on the train and to Prague where we stayed in and caught up on some sleep.
The view from the church was amazing! We could see the whole town and the countryside.
On Easter Sunday, several of us went out to breakfast and then to the Lennon Wall (see previous blog posts if you don't know what this is) to make our own mark. I brought down my laptop and blasted the Beatles the whole time, I'm pretty sure we got through 5 albums, and we just sat on the sidewalk drawing and making potato prints and then gluing our stuff up onto the wall with spray glue. So many people stopped and took pictures or talked to us, it was a great way to meet people. After two or three hours of that we looked back at the images we had posted and people had already signed them and added their own quotes to them which was pretty awesome to see.
That night, we had a potluck dinner and each room brought a dish. We brought pesto pasta and we are happy to have tons of leftovers in our fridge today!

I am doing great and the work is hard but joyful so I am getting a lot out of this experience. I'm learning to push myself and look at things differently which is a great new approach to art and writing for me. I'll include more of my work soon once I get some stuff finished!


  1. Wow that bone church was, yeah, artistic alright. Looks like the weather was great for Easter. That must have been really fun to listen to The Beatles while doing art on the wall. Good times!

    Love you lots and thanks for the news

  2. Pictures can't capture the memories as your mind did, isn't it? All this sounds like the perfect last quarter to me. My last quarter at CWU was beautiful too: the irrigation canal flowing slowly, the gorgeous 40 year-old duplexes, the 7-11 across from 8th Street... I am not jealous, no, I am not.

  3. Cool pictures! That bone church must have been a little creepy, but fascinating. It will be interesting to see your drawings of it. The weather looks beautiful!
