Friday, April 22, 2011

The Lennon Wall at Night

Tonight Ally and Lauren and I decided it would be fun to walk down to the Lennon Wall from our hostel, just 10 minutes away at most. Starting in '88, Prague students began to write grievances and words of rebellion against the communist Russian rule on the wall. Since then, the wall has continued to be painted on, mostly with lyrics from the Beatles and encouraging notes of Peace and Love. I tried to take as many pictures as possible but had to use a flash since it was 10:30 p.m. when we got there. I can't wait for Sunday when I will be going down there on my own to make a mark and look more closely at the messages there in person.


  1. Cool pictures. You're going to have to blow them up and make posters! Do you get to do art on this wall? That would be awesome.

    Love you
